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Science and Technology
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Science and Technology Courses

Science and Technology

Discover why some people love science and technology and why there is excitement in looking at the stars, in peering through a microscope and in formulae that unpack the secrets of our world. We have tutors who will demystify the theories and practices of these two building blocks of our knowledge of the world. Have fun, learn something new and join with fellow students to discover the joys of science and technology.


Available Classes

$86 Limited inc GST / $77

Number, Chaos, Infinity

<p>What are numbers? What are irrational, algebraic, and transcendental numbers? How do we represent numbers? Are numbers random? These ideas are related to chaos theory, about the possibility (or not


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$0 Limited

Genetically Modified - The Good, the Bad and Regulation

<p>Learn about the history and development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the concerns and debates about what is good, what is bad and what regulations have said, do say and might say in


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$52 Limited inc GST

Touring the Night Sky

<p>We explore the wonderful night sky with its so many twinkling dots. But how do we know which ones are planets, moons, stars, or even man-made satellites? Or maybe some of these are beyond our


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$72 Limited inc GST

Dino Hunters and Other Treasure Seekers

<p>Dinosaurs are fascinating, so of course you want to discover more about them in this workshop – just as the earliest collectors of fossils did, though some of them went to much more bizarre

$72 Limited inc GST

Dino Hunters and Other Treasure Seekers

<p>Dinosaurs are fascinating, so of course you want to discover more about them in this workshop – just as the earliest collectors of fossils did, though some of them went to much more bizarre


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$0 Limited

Staying in Contact - The History of Australian Communication

<p>Explore the fascinating history of communication in Australia from First Nations’ sophisticated messaging protocols, to colonial ship dispatches to England, to the 1872 telegraph linking Australia


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$46 Limited inc GST

ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence

<p>What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is like having a conversation with a computer, but instead of talking to a human, you're talking to a special program that's really good at understanding and generating

$46 Limited inc GST

ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence

<p>What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is like having a conversation with a computer, but instead of talking to a human, you're talking to a special program that's really good at understanding and generating


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$5 Limited inc GST

Looking Up and Looking In - one Scientist's journey to understand our atmosphere

<p>Climate change is both topical and contested today, but it was not so long ago that climate change as a science was little understood. The study of the atmosphere and climate, especially from a


Available Classes

$43 Limited inc GST

Scam Awareness - Your Best Defence

<p>Scamwatch received 301,791 scam reports in 2023. On top of that, many scams go unreported. Learn what goes on behind these scams, the steps that you can take to avoid being scammed and what to do


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