Courses | WEA Sydney
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$43 Limited inc GST

The Australian Outback - Alice Springs To Broome

<p>The Australian Outback has always been a magnet for explorers and travellers. We travel the Tanami Track with the aim of seeing these outback splendours. This is one of Australia’s classic journeys


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$52 Limited inc GST

Backroads of Britain - Cornwall

<p>We explore some of the fascinating history and sites along the backroads of Cornwall which is known for its smuggling industry. We will explore the smugglers’ den at Jamaica Inn, Bodmin Moor, the


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$72 Limited inc GST

Travel to Ancient Pompeii

<p>A visit to Pompeii is a journey into the past like no other place on earth can be. It is not the beautiful monuments or the public spaces that makes the place unique and unforgettable. It is the


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$72 Limited inc GST

Mysterious China - Forbidden City and Suzhou Canals

<p>We embark upon two Journeys - the Forbidden City and Suzhou Canals, which will give a feel for what it is like to travel in China where the “far shores of Cathay” have fascinated the West for

$72 Limited inc GST

Mysterious China - Forbidden City and Suzhou Canals

<p>We embark upon two Journeys - the Forbidden City and Suzhou Canals, which will give a feel for what it is like to travel in China where the “far shores of Cathay” have fascinated the West for


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$43 Limited inc GST

Spain Extremadura - Romans, Moors & Conquistadors

<p>Extremadura is one of Spain’s more remote regions, yet it is where many of the Conquistadors were born. We travel south to visit the impressive Roman settlements of Merida and Italica. Then to


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$43 Limited inc GST

Travel & Coffee - Stockholm, Helsinki & Stavanger

<p>We begin in Stockholm in its 13th-century old town, "Gamla Stan", and the Vasa, Nobel and Nordic Museums. Then to Helsinki to understand its weather and visit its Rock Church. We continue onto


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$43 Limited inc GST

Kathmandu to London

<p>This was one of the great overland journeys for under 35s - travelling in converted regional English double decker buses - a "once in a lifetime adventure". We travelled in 1985 in a convoy of two


Available Classes

$52 Limited inc GST

If You Come to San Francisco

<p>One of the top tourist destinations in the United States, San Francisco is known for its steep rolling hills and eclectic mix of architecture across varied neighbourhoods, as well as its cool


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$72 Limited inc GST

What Have the Romans Ever Done For Us? - Hadrian’s Wall

<p>Hadrian was a new type of emperor. He was interested in all of his empire, and particularly in the provinces. One of the most travelled of emperors, he delineated his empire with walls. We examine

$72 Limited inc GST

What Have the Romans Ever Done For Us? - Hadrian’s Wall

<p>Hadrian was a new type of emperor. He was interested in all of his empire, and particularly in the provinces. One of the most travelled of emperors, he delineated his empire with walls. We examine
