Watergate 50 Years On | WEA Sydney

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Watergate 50 Years On

<p>The Watergate scandal destroyed the presidency of Richard Milhous Nixon and forced him from the White House - the first (and so far only) American president to have resigned from office. Fifty


The Watergate scandal destroyed the presidency of Richard Milhous Nixon and forced him from the White House - the first (and so far only) American president to have resigned from office. Fifty years on, we will examine the origins, outcomes and consequences of Watergate. Does Nixon emerge as pitiable or despicable? How did the scandal change the relationship between the American people and their government? What are the lessons for us today?


  • Face-to-Face


  • Political biography of Richard Nixon
  • The unravelling of the scandal from the initial Watergate break-in in June 1972 to Nixon’s resignation in 1974
  • The main consequences of the Watergate scandal


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Outline the main events in the Watergate scandal and name the main protagonists
  2. Summarise and evaluate Nixon’s political agenda and legacy

Sonya Thompson

Sonya Thompson, MA, MALP, has taught in the subject areas of history and politics for over thirty years, much of that time with the WEA. Sonya holds postgraduate degrees in history, law and...