The Shipwreck of the "Sydney Cove" | WEA Sydney

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The Shipwreck of the "Sydney Cove"

<p>Investigate the wreck of the trading ship Sydney Cove in the Foveaux Islands of Bass Strait. Travelling from Calcutta to Sydney with cargo on board, the ship ran aground in February 1797. Seventeen


Investigate the wreck of the trading ship Sydney Cove in the Foveaux Islands of Bass Strait. Travelling from Calcutta to Sydney with cargo on board, the ship ran aground in February 1797. Seventeen men set out by foot from 90-mile Beach in present day Victoria to reach Sydney Cove, 700 km away. They struggled with injury, thirst, starvation, and illness. Some First Nations people welcomed them on their lands and helped them pass through, others opposed and attacked them. Who made it and what happened next?


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  • The purpose for the journey; The journey through perilous seas
  • The wrecking of the ship and the decision to see help
  • The journey to seek help 700km away; The return journey
  • Rescue of the sailors and recovery of the cargo
  • Events the ensued because of the wreck and recovery
  • Later discovery (January 1977) and investigation of the wreck


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Appreciate the unique nature of the journey through First Nations lands
  2. Identify the significance of the knowledge gained by Hunter from the survivors’ reports of their journey
  3. Understand the current heritage value of the wreck site

Hugh Tranter

Hugh Tranter is an author and historian, with interests in creative writing and the research and examination of Australian history.