Sydney - Seven Decades of Change (1900 to 1969) | WEA Sydney

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Sydney - Seven Decades of Change (1900 to 1969)

<p>We examine how Sydney changed as a city in the first seven decades of the 20th century. As the city grew, it also underwent huge social change. Each decade brought challenges and evolution.


We examine how Sydney changed as a city in the first seven decades of the 20th century. As the city grew, it also underwent huge social change. Each decade brought challenges and evolution. Distinct phases can be seen, from the post-World-War 1 boom of the roaring 1920s, to economic depression in the 1930s, to the unique challenges of WW2 in the 1940s, to growth and stability in the 1950s then to the dynamic decade of the 1960s.


  • Online


  • 1900-1929, Federation and Growth (Sydney 1900 to 1918), The Roaring 20s (1919 to 1929). Key subjects include Federation, Sydney’s growth, WWI and the conscription debate, and for the 1920s modification and social change (including the beginnings of suburbia).
  • Sydney, and the Great Depression (1930-1939). Key subjects include the impact of the depression, technological change, opening of the Harbour Bridge, gradual recovery, lead up to WWII.
  • WWII and the war in the Pacific: crisis and recovery (1940-1949), Sydney changes, Japanese sub raids, US military arrive in Sydney, Post war housing.
  • The 1950s – the decade of stability (1950-1959) ‘Where it’s at’, Sydney in the 1960s (160-1969). The 1950s will look at housing growth, the arts scene, and the 1960s will look at growing change, alternative views, early Vietnam war protests, the modern city.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Expand their knowledge and appreciation of Sydney as a city during the period.
  2. Appreciate the great changes caused by key events: the Great Depression, WWII, post war immigration.
  3. Have more insight into how Sydney’s past still has traces in modern Sydney (e.g. the establishment of Harbour national parks, institutions such as surf lifesaving, etc)

Hugh Tranter

Hugh Tranter is an author and historian, with interests in creative writing and the research and examination of Australian history.