Latin American Flavours | WEA Sydney

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Latin American Flavours

<p>Latin American cuisine includes a mix of cultural backgrounds as a result of a combination of indigenous, European and African influences. Typical foods, beverages, and cooking styles represent the

$43 Limited inc GST

Latin American Flavours

<p>Latin American cuisine includes a mix of cultural backgrounds as a result of a combination of indigenous, European and African influences. Typical foods, beverages, and cooking styles represent the


Latin American cuisine includes a mix of cultural backgrounds as a result of a combination of indigenous, European and African influences. Typical foods, beverages, and cooking styles represent the identity of each country and they vary according to the regions; Maize-based dishes (tortillas) and drinks (chicha), salsas and other condiments (chimichurri), beans (Feijoada), and meats (asado) are some of the most common traditional and distinct elements of the Latin American dishes.


  • Face-to-Face / Online


  • Latin American flavours and its influences over time: main facts, common elements, national dishes
  • Food along the regions: Mexico and the Caribbean, Central America, and South America (the Andes, the tropical regions and the pampas). Includes some traditional recipes
  • Gastronomic routes and culinary experiences: Mezcal tasting in Mexico, chocolate & art in Ecuador, ´Firewater & tamales in Colombia, ceviche & pisco sour in Peru, open-fire asado & malbec in Argentina, Potatoes & seafood in Chiloé Island in Chile


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Have a general knowledge of the flavours of Latin American countries
  2. Name the different regions and its most popular dishes, beverages
  3. Identify some of the most recommended culinary experiences

Lindsay Nunez Lopez

Dip (Tourism), BA (Translation)
Lindsay Nunez, Diploma of Travel and Tourism, Certified Teacher of Spanish as a foreign language, has worked in the tourism industry for over ten years and has taught at the WEA for the last year....