French Elementary 2 - F2F (A2) | WEA Sydney

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$321 Limited GST free / $289

French Elementary 2 - F2F (A2)

<p>This course is a continuation from French Elementary 2 and is for any student wishing to learn the language for business, travel or everyday use with approximately 200 hours of French required.


This course is a continuation from French Elementary 2 and is for any student wishing to learn the language for business, travel or everyday use with approximately 200 hours of French required. Students will develop skills to use in conversation, reading, listening and writing. This course aims to build general comprehension and communication skills in intermediate French and an introduction to cultural practices, with a focus on clear explanation of high language principles.


  • Face-to-Face


  • Cosmopolite 2 A2 Livre d'Eleve Book (Hachette: 2017), ISBN: 9782014015997

Supplier: Abbey's Language Book Centre
Please note that textbook cost is not included in the course fee. In the event of a course being cancelled WEA cannot be held responsible for the purchase of any textbooks. We therefore suggest you purchase your textbooks closer to the time of the course commencing.


Dossier 2: Leçons 1

  • Talking about a university experience
  • Talking about a professional experience
  • The plus-que-parfait
  • Adverbs: Forming regular and irregular adverbs (-amment / -emment)
  • Terms related to studies
  • Terms related to professional experience
  • Pronunciation of adverbs ending in –ment

Dossier 2: Leçon 2

  • Looking for employment Understanding a job offer, indicating the qualities required for the position
  • Applying for a position: Writing a CV and the covering e-mail; presenting in a professional context and explaining one’s educational background and work experience
  • Time markers (2) : depuis, pendant, il y a (Reminder); pour + duration
  • Terms related to job search and to business
  • Terms related to the description of a job and to professional qualities
  • Formulas used in e-mails / application letter
  • Pronunciation of acronyms

Dossier 2: Leçon 3

  • Giving advice and warnings
  • Indicating necessary changes
  • Structures to express advice: imperative, devoir + infinitive, si + present/future, il faut que + subjunctive
  • The subjunctive to express necessity: forming subjunctive of regular and irregular verbs
  • A few impersonal formulas to express necessity: il est important / essential de / que
  • Language registers: advice or command
  • Pronunciation of subjunctive


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
  2. Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
  3. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.


If you are a new WEA Student and enrol into a language class and subsequently find that you are at the wrong level (whether too high or too low), you are permitted to transfer into another more suitable class at no additional cost, provided that the request is made within the first two classes and is in writing from your tutor directly to the Education Manager. After that point, an administration fee of $30 will apply.

Beatrice Siragusa

MA. Conference Interpreting
Beatrice holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Interlinguistic Communication and a Master's Degree in Specialized Translation and Conference Interpreting (with a focus on Italian, French and...