Practice your French, Culture and Society Today (B2) | WEA Sydney

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$321 Limited GST free / $289

Practice your French, Culture and Society Today (B2)

<p>This course is for students who have completed all A2 levels and most B1 of learning with a minimum of recently completed 530 hours of French. You are at the higher level of French Intermediate


This course is for students who have completed all A2 levels and most B1 of learning with a minimum of recently completed 530 hours of French. You are at the higher level of French Intermediate study with matching proficiency in: grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, pronunciation and expression (conversation). It is open to anyone wishing to develop their language skills. Students will develop enhanced skills in communication, reading, listening and writing.


  • Face-to-Face


  • Tutor supplied material


This course provides practice is the following:

  • reading and comprehension practice
  • vocabulary building
  • speaking
  • writing
  • grammar

The grammatical consolidation includes:

  • Verbes Irreguliers
  • Les temps et utilisation: Present, Passe compose, Imparfait, Future proche and Passe Immediat
  • Depuis, Pendant, il y a
  • Utilisation du subjonctif
  • Les formes negatives
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbes
  • Pronouns relatifs
  • Les prepositions

The vocabulary building will cover a variety of aspects of everyday life and French current topics.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Improve their oral confidence by communicating in fluent French.
  2. Use grammatical structures and comprehension abilities to expanded their vocabulary at an Intermediate level.


If you are a new WEA Student and enrol into a language class and subsequently find that you are at the wrong level (whether too high or too low), you are permitted to transfer into another more suitable class at no additional cost, provided that the request is made within the first two classes and is in writing from your tutor directly to the Education Manager. After that point, an administration fee of $30 will apply.

Christine Graff

BALLB, Licence es Lettres
Christine has taught French in the UK, the US and Australia at secondary and tertiary levels. She has continued to teach and train adults through her professional life (WEA and Alliance from...

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