First Knowledges - Wisdom from the Ancestors | WEA Sydney

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What did Indigenous Australians need to know to prosper as a people 65,000 years? What do they see when they look at the night sky? What are the principles of their system of law and democracy? What can we learn about fire management and farming? What are the Songlines? The First Knowledges book series answers these questions and more. In this lecture series we will focus on four of the six books to discover fascinating insights about astronomy, ‘future fire, future farming’, ‘Songlines’ and Aboriginal Australian law. Learn more about the wisdom generated by 60,000 years of continuous culture.


  • Hybrid (F2F & Online simultaneously)



  • The first astronomers: How does the land reflect the sky? How does the sky reflect the land?
  • Future fire, future farming: How to treat and manage Country respectfully in the 21st century.
  • Songlines: The ‘oral libraries’ of ancient knowledge passed from one generation to the next about living together and with Country.
  • Law: The system of Aboriginal Australian law that defines what it is to be human and enabled a people to survive for over 2000 generations.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. See Australia from an Indigenous perspective
  2. Gain an eye-opening understanding of the land we call home
  3. Gain a deeper understanding of the expertise and ingenuity of Indigenous Australians.
  4. Gather examples of how ancient Indigenous practices can combine with modern practices to care for Australia now and into the future
  5. Understand the contribution First Nations people can make to Australian society, science, agriculture and more

Sandy Killick

Sandra Killick is a leading authority in democracy education, adaptive leadership & systems thinking. A skilled facilitator, she creates spaces where people can have challenging, messy, necessary...