Time Travel and Other Mysteries - An Introduction to Special Relativity | WEA Sydney

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Time Travel and Other Mysteries - An Introduction to Special Relativity

<p>Delve into the ground-breaking concepts of Einstein's Special Relativity. This course explores the mind-bending implications of time dilation, length contraction, and the famous equation E=mc².


Delve into the ground-breaking concepts of Einstein's Special Relativity. This course explores the mind-bending implications of time dilation, length contraction, and the famous equation E=mc². We'll unravel how our understanding of space and time was revolutionised, with engaging examples and thought experiments. No prior physics knowledge is required!


  • Face-to-Face / Online


  • Introduction to Special Relativity: Historical context, the principle of relativity, and the speed of light
  • Space-time: Understanding the unified fabric of space and time
  • Time Dilation: Exploring how time is relative and affected by motion
  • Length Contraction: Examining how the length of objects changes with motion
  • Mass-Energy Equivalence: Unravelling the relationship between mass and energy (E=mc²)
  • Paradoxes and Thought Experiments: Analysing famous paradoxes like the Twin Paradox to deepen understanding
  • Applications and Implications: Discussing the real-world applications of special relativity in technology and our understanding of the universe


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Grasp the fundamental principles of Einstein's Special Relativity.
  2. Explain the concepts of time dilation, length contraction, and mass-energy equivalence.
  3. Analyse thought experiments and paradoxes related to special relativity.
  4. Discuss the implications of special relativity for our understanding of space, time, and the universe.

Shaila Akhter

MPhil, PhD
Dr. Shaila Akhter has done an MPhil and a PhD in Astrophysics and has around 10 years of teaching experience in University Physics and Astronomy at UNSW. She has conducted extensive physics and...